SLAY WITH YOUR LITTLE CHANGE - A Short Message to Every Lady Out There.

If you call yourself a slay queen but you still depend on a man to satisfy your little need, then I think the 's' in the 'slay' should be removed; feel free to call yourself the remainder.

My dear Lady,
Once in a while,
Have a very good bath,
Put on your makeup,
Wear your best dress,
Then carry yourself like a queen & enter an executive Keke.
When you get to your favorite eatery, order anything of your choice, eat, pay & carry yourself back home. You can never know the feeling until you try.

So that next time, when one "yeye" "chewing gum" dude starts to make mouth on how he bought one plate of something & one bottle of something for you, tell yourself, "oh baby, I'm bigger than this." For in this act lies the beauty of a slay queen.
Slay on top of your little change.

In summary, take care of yourself in your own little way & be proud of it. Don't let anyone insult you for what you're sure you're bigger than. Keep your head high. You are a Queen. Behave like one.


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